Saturday, March 10, 2007

write a series for your readers

Writing a series is a little harder than what a lot of people think that it is but it can help you to build readers.
Here is how you do it.
Pick a topic that goes with your blog. For instance, you could go with the all too famous, blogging tips. This is popular because everyone wants to know how to blog better.
Now that you have a topic to write about, pick your title and write a post announcing it. If you want readers to come, do not charge for this. If you already have readers and want to make a little bit of money, you can charge a set price for the series but remember that you better have some content that won’t disappointed them. The cool part about this is that you can set up your blog to offer this paid series or you can simply offer it through email. Before you ask, I don’t know how they set this up on their blog as a paid series and I will need to do further research before I can answer this question.
When you announce it, let your readers know what they can do to get this series and what this series will include.
The key to writing a series is to have unique content. Here is an example of a series that was started by Garry Conn and it offers tips on successful blogging.
He had the right idea when he made this series and you should check it out to see what the series in tells and for tips on blogging the successful way.
Now that you have the basics down, keep notes about your series so that you can always go back and have a fresh mind when writing your series.

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